Generic - Pulse counter

Used to count GPIO pulses.

Plugin details

Type: Generic

Name: Pulse counter

Status: NORMAL

GitHub: P003_Pulse.ino

Maintainer: Core

Used libraries: .

Supported hardware

LJ12A3, TCR5000, YFS401

Commands available

Command (GPIO/Value)

Extra information


Reset the counters (pulse counter and total counter) of P003 Pulse Counter. The taskIndex parameter is optional. When not given, only the first task with this plugin will be cleared.

A call to reset the value will also trigger a call to PLUGIN_READ as if it processes a normal succesful read.


Set the value of the total count of P003 Pulse Counter. The taskIndex parameter is optional. When not given, only the total count of the first task with this plugin will be set.

A call to set the counter total will also trigger a call to PLUGIN_READ as if it processes a normal succesful read.

N.B. The set value is the internal value, so any present formula will be processed after this value is set.

Change log

Changed in version 2.0:

added Major overhaul for 2.0 release.

New in version 1.0:

added Initial release version.