Environment - BMP280 NORMAL
- Specifications:
Temperature (-40C to +85C)
Barometric pressure (300-1100 hPa)
The BMP280 is easily mistaken for its big brother the BM**E**280. The Environment - BMx280 can also be used to control the BMP280.
GPIO (4) <--> SDI (SDA)
GPIO (5) <--> SCK (SCL)
3.3V <--> VIN
GND <--> GND
If you have change the I2C settings in the hardware setup you need to connect to those instead of GPIO 4 and 5.
Only use 3.3V BMP280 boards. The ESP pins are not 5V tolerant. Depending on the make of the BMP280 board, pull-up resistors on SDA and SDC may be absent. 4k7 types are fine. When more I2C devices are being used, only one set of pull-up resistors is required or even allowed. It may be necessary to add a ceramic 100nF capacitor across the power lines, close to the BMP280 board.
Task settings¶
Device: Name of plugin
Name: Name of the task (example name BMP)
Enable: Should the task be enabled or not
i2C address: You can use two BMP280 at the same time, choose address here. If you only use one, stay with the default address.
Altitude: Set the level above sea for your unit. This is done in order to get a correct pressure value.
Data acquisition¶
Send to controller 1..3: Check which controller (if any) you want to publish to. All or no controller can be used.
Interval: How often should the task publish its value (5..15 seconds is normal).
Indicators (recommended settings)¶
Indicator |
Value Name |
Interval |
Decimals |
Extra information |
Temperature |
Celsius |
10 |
1 |
Pressure |
hPa |
10 |
0 |
Rules examples¶
on BMP#hPa do
if BMP#hPa>999
Publish,%sysname%/pressure,Is normal
Where to buy¶
Store |
Link |
AliExpress |
Banggood |
eBay |
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